The following are terms of agreement between you, the visitor/user, and AMX. When you access this site, its pages or resources, you agree to the following terms of usage by default:
- You may not distribute nor sell any of the materials or medium on this site.
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- You may not directly copy any news articles of any media, whatsoever, within the site. However, paraphrasing is allowed and not considered any type of content duplication.
- We, at AMX, would like to continue to ensure you our virtuous freedom. In order for us to maintain that privaledge, you must help us help you by not violating any copyright laws stated within the governmental document upon found upon this specified link:
--Copyright Law of the United States of America
- If disagree with any of the terms, explained above, you must leave immediately and not use this site. Your failure to acknowledge our fortitude of regulations denies you any access to our site and its medium.
Any illegal claims or crimes will have yourself in result to the violation of the 1976 Copyright Act and the Internet Privacy Act signed by Bill Clinton in 1995.
All of the graphics, web mechanics, content and original medium shown on AMX are advisedly prototypal of © 2003 AMX - AniManga X, All Rights Reserved. This includes buttons, banners, wallpapers, layouts, music remixes, gif animations, and all other media types credited by us or our staff. We credit all work and materials, not associated with our potential, with their rightful owners or creators. Any complaints or rebuttals should be sent directly to:
An axiom of the AniManga X branch of AMX is that we do not use unoriginal graphic content and designs as a default without permission. All graphics art presented and utilized as a commercial display for the website are all original, in EXCEPTION to the original artwork of the many professional and renowned artists who draw anime and manga commercially. Our private policy conditionally accommodates our rights reserved with the Copyright Laws of the United States permitting AMX the sole right to reproduce, publish, and sell any claimed literary or artistic work. Learn more about Copyright Permissions here.
Freedom EntenteAs you may know by now, our renewed catch phrase, "Freedom Under Virtue", depicts our primary acknowledgement and purpose. It has evolved from our former catch phrase, "...Dedicated to the fans." AMX grew up in America and sprouted off of a young ambition for succession. This is why the Development Team of AniManga X cherishes freedom without all the strict detailing of rights and regulations. Therefore, all of our commercial work are to be freeware with the exception of Portfolios.
- The exigency, is that you shall not claim any original work nor material of AniManga X as your own. Do not leave our logos, copyright information, and original title designs when editing, reproducing or publishing IT as your very own. We acknowledge the possibilities and ambitions of each and every human-being UNDER virtue. And we will cherish its very power with a virtuous responsibility for a goodness sake.